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EIT RawMaterials Hub - Regional Center Southern Italy

Events Calendar

RCSI Keynote Speech at EEN Virtual joint SGs&TGs Meeting
Wednesday 02 December 2020, 02:30pm
Hits : 1750

The EIT RawMaterials Hub - Regional Center Southern Italy (RCSI), hosted by ENEA Research Center in Brindisi (Italy), has been invited to give a Keynote Speech to the open Virtual joint SGs&TGs Meeting SG Intelligent Energy, SG Environment, SG Sustainable Construction, TG Circular Economy and TG Clusters (2 December 2020 - time: 14.30, CEST) by EEN - Enterprise Europe Network.
The Coordinator (Dr. Michele Penza) of the EITRM RCSI will give a Keynote Speech on a RCSI overview to disseminate activities, objectives and mission.
Agenda: see attached file (file pdf)
