Start Cup Puglia 2020 - Connecting Matter Award by CLCS
21 September 2020
The EIT RawMaterials Hub - Regional Center Southern Italy (RCSI), by Co-Location Center South, has planned to support the Start Cup Puglia 2020 - Business Competition by means the Prize (cash 3000 euro) Connecting Matter to be awarded to the most innovative business plan, proposed by young innovators, devoted to critical raw materials and related technologies.
ENEA, CNR and EITRM CLCS are active members of the Organizing Committee in the Start Cup Puglia 2020.
A voted member in the Jury Panel for the selection of the winners in the business competition is Dr. Pierluigi Franceschini, Director of EITRM Innovation Hub in Rome.
The business competition will run online on 15 October 2020.