EIT RM Course on Circular Economy and Closing Material Loops
16-20 November 2020 - Time: 15.00 - 17.00 On-line event: CONNECT®. Registration required
The EIT RawMaterials Hub - Regional Center Southern Italy (RCSI), hosted by ENEA Research Center in Brindisi (Italy) has planned an open daily Virtual Raw Materials Course (time: 15-17, CEST - each day) devoted to Circular Economy and Closing Material Loops. It will take place in remote mode using a ZOOM platform.
The participation is free of charge. After registration the participants will receive a link Zoom to follow online the scheduled seminars.
The participation is free of charge. After registration the participants will receive a link Zoom to follow online the scheduled seminars.
Circular Economy for business innovation: principles, strategies and tools
Francesca Cappellaro, ENEA
Financing circular economy: the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) developed within the CICERONE Project
Roberta De Carolis, ENEA
La simbiosi industriale: uno strumento applicativo di economia circolare
Erika Mancuso ENEA
From materials to circular economy measuremt of products
Marco Capellini MATREC
The importance of Reach Regulation for the circularity of resources
Sabrina Moro Iacopini ENEA
Circular design and Business models
Paola Sposato ENEA
Dai valore al tuo scarto
Quintuple Helix and Digital Innovation Ecosystem for the transition towards the circular economy
Pasquale Del Vecchio UNISALENTO
Circular transition towards urban and peri-urban areas
Lucertini Giulia IUAV
The CIRCuIT Project “CIRcular CIties Transition needs”
Carolina Innella, ENEA
English is the official language. The presentation slides will be in English, but they will be commented in native language (Italian) of the RCSI area.
The students, researchers and stakeholders are kindly invited to participate. This is an official invitation.